Best Royal Giant Deck: Ultimate Deck Strategy Guide (Updated)

Best Royal Giant Deck: Ultimate Deck Strategy Guide (Updated)

Field 7 opens the Royal Giant a building focusing on long range unit with high hit focuses. The Royal monster is more adaptable than the Giant as it's a long range troop with its gun. That is the reason, Today I will share the Best Royale Giant deck of 2017.

Its hit focuses go from 1200 – 3708. A higher Elixir choice than the Giant, I needed to give it a shot for 1 more mixture point to just trial. The assault run was expanded from 6 to 7 and harm was expanded by 20% making it the most grounded moderate moving ground troop. I explored different avenues regarding bunches of cards like princess, Hog riders however was brought down some way or the other. Chosen to strategize the deck with my experience and wahoo!! It worked I brought down my adversary in a savage fight.

Here is Your Best Royal Giant Deck: Learn How to Use Each Card in the Deck.

A 3.2 Elixir deck sounds to be an exorbitant decision yet it's a decent exchange off for a win fight procedure. I kept the deck simple for every one of the individuals who don't have more epic or Legendary cards to add variety to the deck.

Best Royale Giant

The most grounded card of the deck continues drawing the assailants towards himself in this manner going about as a diversion and in addition continues assaulting them as well. This system works best for the skirmish troops to walk ahead and assault the towers. The scuffle troops can utilize Royal Giant as a shield and continue pushing forward. When he is nearer to the extension the Royal Giant is an immediate risk to the rival towers.

Minion Hordes

The air troops work extremely well with high hit point troops like Royal Giant. They work exceptionally well with Spear Goblin to occupy such troops while the cronies bring the rival troops down with its air assaults. The flunky swarms can't secure themselves against the sprinkle troops. Illustrious Giants and brutes if conveyed close Minions they enable the Minions to achieve the towers and after that the Minions know how to bring down the towers.

Substitution Card: Archers

Lance Goblins

These troops are with you appropriate from the begin. A low remedy point troop that can bargain great measure of sprinkle harm. The help high hit focuses troops doing a decent harm to the hostile troops. Joined with the Royal mammoth can prompt moment crown win. The lance trolls are great safeguards for the crown towers. At the point when the lance Goblins are nearer to towers they can bring down the rival's sovereign. They fill in as best distractors for the hostile troops.

Substitution Card: Goblin and Archers


The zone harm spell with a decent sweep shocks the rival troop for 0.5 seconds. A very much conveyed Zap can bring down the whole skeleton armed force in one push. Once assaulted by the zap the foe troop loses every second harm focuses. Zap works too well against the Prince and Dark Prince and in addition sparky. In the event that you adversary undermines you with their inferno tower or Inferno winged serpent you can release them with your Zap. A less expensive remedy alternative to supplant the Arrow as well.

Substitution choices: mini militia mod by sahad ikr

Likewise Check out: Clash Royale Chest Order


A troop of 4 in number brutes are the best to be utilized against foe troops and Crown Towers. They work exceptionally solid against Prince or Musketeer. They should be put over sprinkle aggressors or the sprinkle assailants will swipe the brutes off. Anger utilized with Barbarians can bring down the Crown towers too brisk. They bring down adversary tanks as they are a troop of 4.


A region harm troop is extremely successful at murdering heaps of low hitpoint troops Minion Hordes, Spear Goblins, Goblins, or Skeleton Armies. They couple exceptionally well with Royal Giants bringing down any aggressors affecting the Royal mammoths. The wizards bring down the rival Barbarians and Balloons with because of high harm every second. A decent substitution of the Bomber. For the troops that it can't bring down the Wizard abandons them in silver wellbeing to be brought around tanks. With its high harm every second and range harm the Wizard brings down the Lava Hounds.

Substitution Card: Ice Wizard

Remedy Collector

One of the high ELIXIR working at 6 remedy it furnishes you with additional mixture. The additional remedy deals with keeping your deck ever prepared. A fierceness on Elixir influences you to send the cards at a quick rate. They are affected by fireballs so guard them.

Likewise Check out: 15 Best Cards in Clash Royale

Toxic substance

The spell sounds unsafe as it has a sweep of toxic substance around its tiles. It beats the troops in its Poison sweep. Simply continue pushing an ever increasing number of troops into its span with low troops and make it executes them.

Substitution Card: Arrows and fireballs.

Best Strategy for Using Royal Giant Deck

Picking the deck is one stage of your procedure however sending troops at right open door is the thing that works to support you. Being the Best Royal Giant ruling deck this deck will work best as guarded deck.

Stage 1: A moderate paced beginning of this champ deck gives you a solid a dependable balance in diversion and gives you a chance to put the Elixir authority and expanding the pace of arrangements. I want to put the mixture gatherer in the region before my ruler tower. Hoard riders are as yet a danger, utilize your Elixir gatherer to occupy the coming Hog Riders and bring the Hog riders down with Barbarians.

Stage 2: Deploy your Wizard behind the mammoth as Wizard will be brought around high hit point troops. The Royal Giant will guard your Wizard and once crossed the extension your wizard will bring down the adversaries in a walk.

Stage 3: While your regal mammoth is bringing after the pinnacle with the brutes or the wizard close by send your flunkies or lance trolls or toxin to keep the harm off your Royal Giant.

Stage 4: So you played hostile too by bringing down the rival towers now you make a stride back and play protective and keep your towers up. Your as of now sent remedy authority fills in as diversion and utilizing brutes, skewer trolls and the wizard to bring down the rival troops that have crossed the scaffold.

Stage 5: You may should be forceful and with remedy authority you can bear to be. I utilize the additional mixture for some solid last minute pushes towards the finish of the diversion, alongside savages, cronies and the imperial monster.

Look at this another astonishing Royal Giant Deck :

Extra Tips

Figuring out how to play with another card whose downsides you don't know about might sound somewhat terrifying however don't frenzy and continue playing with the deck. Before long you will figure out how to utilize your Best Royal Giant Deck in the most ideal way and the Arenas will be yours. Make space for each one of those trophies!!


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